
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by facial flushing, persistent redness, bumps and pimples that is a source of frustration for people with it.  It is important for your doctor to  understand the multifactorial nature of rosacea is essential in providing comprehensive care to affected individuals. There is no known exact cause of rosacea however it is generally accepted that there is a genetic predisposition to the demodex mite that lives on many people's skin however, those with a predisposed immune dysregulation start to exhibit symptoms of vascular abnormalities, resulting in red face, chest with flushing and broken blood vessels that persist even at times no flushing is present.  We do know that environmental triggers such as sunlight, heat, spicy foods, and alcohol consumption, as well as harsh chemicals on skin via certain sunscreens or lotions, can all contribute to its pathogenesis and worsening,

Diagnosing rosacea involves a thorough clinical evaluation, considering the distribution, morphology, and triggering factors associated with the characteristic facial flushing and inflammatory lesions. While rosacea predominantly affects the central face, it can also involve the eyes (ocular rosacea) or present with large bumpy skin changes, such as rhinophyma on the nose.

Treatment strategies for rosacea aim to control symptoms, reduce inflammation, and improve quality of life. Topical therapies such as  ivermectin, metronidazole, and  azelaic acid are often prescribed to target the mites and decrease inflammatory lesions and reduce erythema. Oral antibiotics or antifungals, particularly tetracyclines or diflucan, may be necessary for more severe or stubborn cases, providing both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

In addition to medical interventions, patient education is crucial in rosacea management, emphasizing the importance of trigger avoidance, gentle skincare practices, and gentle yet effective sun protection measures, including avoiding peak sun hours and wearing hats. Also keeping cool mist of water for times when exercising helps with calming down the redness and flushing which may lead to broken blood vessels.  Educating patients about the chronic nature of rosacea and the need for long-term management strategies fosters a proactive approach to disease control and minimizes the risk of exacerbations.

By providing comprehensive evaluation, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing support, dermatologists play a pivotal role in optimizing outcomes and improving the overall quality of life for individuals affected by rosacea. Through a combination of education, therapeutic interventions, and advocacy for advancements in rosacea research and therapy, dermatologists strive to minimize disease burden and enhance patient well-being.  Also discussing the treatment of the redness with lasers is important as patients should have all the options to look and feel their very at their dermatology office. 

woman close up

Nashville Dermatology Physicians


1001 Health Park Drive Suite 470,
Brentwood, TN 37027


7:00 am - 4:00 pm


7:00 am - 4:00 pm


7:00 am - 4:00 pm


11:00 am - 6:00 pm







Nashville Dermatology Physicians